segunda-feira, 17 de março de 2008

You´re leaving on a jetplane..don´t know if you´ll be back again...

Johnnyboy do meu coração
Fui passar o fim de semana a um vale recôndito
esquecido e quase perdido no meio das mil montanhas
da ilha de Santo Antão...
Se para mim é algo de longe...imagino que para ti ainda seja mais...
Pensei tanto tanto tanto no meu Xunga que nem sabes.
Start spreading the news....
That you´ll be very happy in NY...
And i´ll certainly visit you there...
And I´ll find you happier and very successfull...
Johnnyboy my love
You´ll be just fine.
Blow kisses down Boadway for me.
Go for dinner at Giorgionne, on Spring with Greenwich on Tribeca.
Go get some weed on 148st with 7th Av...Harlem rules!
Go see decadent movie stars at APT...14 and 9th...lembras-te daquela vez?
Go for a walk on Park Slope Garden in Brooklyn
and visit Dona Rosa in Astoria-Queens
Have a bruch at Brasserie Maison on 53rd with Broadway...
dont forget the Bloddy Mary
scrambled eggs with pepper
bagel with cream cheese and a pack of american eagles...
E quando for eu a te visitar, terás milhares de´ll be just fine.
beijos meu amor, boa viagem.

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